Advair Diskus


Generically known as Fluticasone, salmeterol 
The brand name is Advair Diskus, Advair HFA, AirDuo RespiClick
Drug class: Bronchodilator combinations

What is Advair Diskus?

Advair Diskus
Advair Diskus

Adair Diskus to inhale is a bronchodilator and steroid combination medication that is utilized to treat asthma attacks. It also helps help prevent flare-ups or the worsening from chronic obstructive lung disease ( COPD) that is associated with the chronic condition of bronchitis or Emphysema.

In COPD patients, Advair Diskus is a long-term treatment. For asthma sufferers, Advair Diskus is for the short-term treatment of symptoms until they are controlled by other medications.

The Advair Diskus is suitable for adults and children who are four years old. ADVAIR HFA and AirDuo Respiclick are intended for use by adults and children that are at least 12 years old.


Advair Diskus does not function as a medicine for emergency use. It won’t work quickly enough to treat an asthma attack or bronchospasm.

Consult a doctor if you’re experiencing an increase in breathing difficulties or you suspect that your medication isn’t functioning as well.

Before taking this medication, you must consult your physician.

You shouldn’t make use of Advair Diskus if you’re intolerant to fluticasone or salmeterol or

Fluticasone could reduce your immune system’s strength and make it easier for you to contract an infection or worsen an infection that you are currently experiencing or recently suffered from. Talk to your doctor about any illness or infection that you suffered in the last few weeks.

Speak to your doctor if have ever suffered from:

Long-term use of steroids could result in the loss of bone (osteoporosis) especially when you smoke if you don’t exercise and if you don’t have sufficient calcium or vitamin D within your daily diet or if have an ancestry background of osteoporosis. Consult your physician regarding your risks.

Inform your doctor if are expecting. It’s not clear if this medication will affect the unborn child. But, asthma that is not treated or controlled during pregnancy can result in complications, such as preterm birth or Eclampsia (dangerously elevated blood pressure which could cause medical issues for both baby and mother). The advantages of treating asthma can outweigh the risks for the infant.

It is not recommended to breastfeed while taking this medication. Consult your physician regarding any risks.

Avoid giving this medication to children without medical guidance.

How can I make use of Advair Diskus?

Follow all instructions on the prescription label and also read the entire medication guide or instructions sheets. Follow the medication exactly according to the instructions. In excess of this medication can result in serious adverse consequences.

Advair Diskus isn’t an asthma treatment that can be used to treat attacks of bronchospasm. Use only fast-acting inhalation medicines for attacks. Get medical attention if you notice that your breathing issues get more severe or if you suspect that your asthma medication isn’t functioning as well.

Advair Diskus, a powder-based form made up of fluticasone and salmeterol. It comes with an inhaler device loaded with blister packs that contain dosages that are measured of the drug. Advair HFA and AirDuo Respiclick both come in a container that is used by an actuator inhaler device.

Make sure to take the medicine every day. Make sure you use only the inhaler device that comes in your prescription.

The inhaler should be shaken Avair HFA inhaler at least 5 seconds prior to each spray.

Don’t allow a toddler child to take this medication without assistance from an adult.

Follow and read carefully any instructions that are included along with your medication. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor If you don’t understand these directions.

Wash your mouth thoroughly with water but refrain from swallowing following each time you use your inhaler.

Your dose needs may change due to surgery, illness, stress, or a recent asthma attack. Don’t alter your dose or schedule without the advice of your physician.

If you also take an oral steroid, it is not recommended to stop taking it abruptly. Follow your doctor’s advice on the dosage you should be tapering.

If you are using the peak flow gauge in your home, inform your doctor whether your readings are lower than what is normal.

Your vision as well as your bone mineral density might require regular checks.

Keep your medication at room temperature in a dry, cool place away from moisture sun, and heat. Avoid extreme heat, like open flames or inside a vehicle during a hot summer day. Follow all instructions for the disposal and storage of your medication.

When your asthma is at a level that is manageable, your doctor might suggest that you discontinue using the medication. You should not stop using the medication unless your physician tells you to.

If I do not take the dose?

Do not miss the missed dose, and take your next dose at your regular time. Don’t take two doses at the same time.

If I consume too much?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact toll-free the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

The symptoms of an overdose can consist of chest pains, fast heart rate, and feeling shaky or out of breath.

The long-term use of an inhaled steroid could cause cataracts, glaucoma, and thinning skin. It can also cause weight loss (especially around the neck, face back, and waist) and more the appearance of acne or menstrual troubles, facial hair, impotence, or a loss of attraction to sexual activities.

What are the most important things to avoid when making use of Advair Diskus?

Avoid being around those that are sick, or suffering from illnesses. Consult your doctor to receive preventive treatment when you’ve been exposed to measles or chickenpox. These diseases can be very serious and even fatal in those who take a steroid like fluticasone.

Do not apply a third inhalation bronchodilator until your doctor recommends it. It includes formoterol (Perforomist, Symbicort, Bevespi Dulera) or arformoterol (Brovana) and indacaterol (Arcapta) or Olodaterol (Striverdi, Stiolto Respimat) and salmeterol (Serevent) as well as the vilanterol (Anoro Ellipta Breo Ellipta Trelegy Ellipta).

Advair Diskus side effects

Seek medical attention immediately Get medical attention immediately if you notice symptoms warning signs of an allergic response such as symptoms of hives or breathing difficulties or swelling of your lips, face, and tongue.

Consult your physician immediately If you suffer from:

Fluticasone can cause growth issues in children. Discuss with your doctor when you believe your child isn’t growing as normal with the medication.

Common side effects could be:

This isn’t a complete list of possible side effects, and other side effects could occur. Consult your physician for advice regarding medical the effects. You can report any symptoms to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


What other medications can influence Advair Diskus?

There are times when it’s not recommended to take certain medicines in conjunction. Certain drugs may affect the blood levels from other medications that you take, which can create side effects or render the medication less effective.

Discuss with your doctor any other medications you take including:

This is not a complete list and other drugs could impact Advair Diskus. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements. There are many possible interactions between drugs. are included here.

Additional details

Be sure to keep all medicines away from the reach of children. Do not let your medications be shared with anyone else and take this medication only in the manner prescribed by your doctor.

Always consult your physician to make sure the information presented on this site is appropriate to your specific situation.

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