

Tachycardia is the medical term used to describe an increase in heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute. A variety of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) may cause tachycardia.

A heart rate that is fast isn’t always an issue. For instance, it’s common that the heart rate increases during exercise, or as a reaction to stress.


Tachycardia can not trigger any signs of complications. However, if it’s not treated the various types of tachycardia could result in serious health issues such as heart failure, stroke, or sudden cardiac death¹.

Treatment for tachycardia could consist of specific procedures, medications as well as cardioversion surgery to slow the heart rate.


There are many kinds of Tachycardia. Sinus tachycardia refers to a usual increase in heart rate, which is usually caused by stress or exercise.

Other kinds of tachycardia are classified according to the region of the heart that is responsible for the high heart rate as well as the reason. Common forms of tachycardia that are caused due to irregular rhythms in the heart (arrhythmias) are:




If the heart beats too quickly, it might not be able to pump enough blood to the other organs and tissues. This means that organs and tissues might not receive enough oxygen.

In general, tachycardia could result in the following symptoms and signs:

Certain people suffering from tachycardia show no signs. The condition can be detected through a physical exam or heart-related tests are performed to determine a different reason.

When is the best time to seek medical help?

There are a variety of factors that could trigger a high heartbeat (tachycardia). If you’re feeling that your heart beats too fast, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Get medical attention immediately for an inability to breathe, weakness or lightheadedness, dizziness fainting or fainting near, and chest pains or discomfort in your chest.

A form of tachycardia known as ventricular fibrillation may trigger the blood pressure to decrease drastically. The collapse can happen in a matter of moments. The person affected’s heart rate and breathing will stop. If this happens, you can do these things:


Tachycardia is an increase in heart rate due to any cause. It may be a typical increase in heart rate triggered by exercise or stress (sinus tachycardia). Sinus tachycardia is regarded as to be a symptom and not a sign of a condition.

Tachycardia can result from an abnormal cardiac rhythm (arrhythmia).

Things that can cause the condition include:

Sometimes, the exact cause for tachycardia isn’t known.

How is the heart beating?

To comprehend the reason behind the tachycardia phenomenon, it is beneficial to understand how the heart normally functions.

The heart is comprised of four chambers: two chambers in the upper (atria) as well as two chambers in the lower (ventricles).

Heart rhythms are controlled through a naturally-occurring heartbeat controller (the sinus node) located in the upper right chamber (atrium). The sinus node emits electrical signals that typically start every heartbeat. The electrical signals travel through the atria and cause your heart muscle to contract (contract) and then pump blood to the ventricles.

The signals are then received at a group of cells known as the AV node. There, they are slowed down. This delay is just enough to allow ventricles to fill up with blood. When electrical signals are received by the ventricles, the chambers expand and then pump blood into the lungs or to the rest of the body.

In the typical heart, this signaling process is usually smooth and results in a resting heart rate of between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

Risk factors

In general, getting older or having relatives with a history of heart rhythm issues (arrhythmias) can increase the chance of having arrhythmias that can lead to tachycardia.

Medical treatment or lifestyle changes for heart related or other conditions can reduce the risk of developing tachycardia.


The complications of tachycardia are based on:

Tachycardia sufferers have an increased chance of developing a blood clot, which could lead to a stroke (risk is highest in atrial fibrillation) or heart attack. Your physician might prescribe a blood thinner to lower the risk of developing.

Other possible complications of tachycardia are:


The most effective way to avoid Tachycardia is to keep an active heart and avoid heart disease. If you have already been diagnosed with heart disease, be aware and follow your treatment program. Make sure that you are aware of the treatment plan and follow all medication according to your doctor’s instructions.

Lifestyle modifications to lower the risk of developing heart diseases could help in preventing heart arrhythmias that could cause Tachycardia. Follow these steps:


A thorough physical examination, as well as medical history and tests, are essential to identify tachycardia.

Be aware that the items in this article were written before the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2019. (COVID-19) pandemic. They don’t follow the proper pandemic guidelines. Follow all suggested Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on hiding as well as social distancing.

To identify tachycardia health professionals will usually perform a physical exam and ask you questions about your medical history and habits.


Tests, like the cardiac imaging test, can be conducted to verify an abnormally fast heartbeat and to identify issues that could cause an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Tests for diagnosing tachycardia can include:



The objectives of tachycardia therapy are to slow down a rapid heartbeat once it happens and also to stop the occurrence of future episodes of a rapid heart rate.

If a medical condition causes tachycardia treatment of the underlying issue could reduce or even stop episodes of a rapid heartbeat.

The slowing of a heart rate

A heart rate that is too fast can be able to correct itself. However, sometimes medications or other treatments for medical conditions are required to slow the heartbeat.

Strategies to slow down a high heart rate are:

The prevention of future episodes of a high heart rate

Treatment for tachycardia includes taking steps to stop the heart to beat too quickly. It could be a matter of medication implants, devices implanted, or other procedures or surgeries.



Lifestyle and home remedies for home

If you suffer from tachycardia, or any other heart disease, your doctor will probably recommend living a healthy lifestyle. Do these things:

Alternative medicine

Methods to relieve stress, such as yoga and meditation, can aid in slowing the heartbeat and lessen the symptoms of tachycardia.

Support and Coping

In the event that you’ve got a strategy in place to handle an event of a high heartbeat, you might feel calmer and at ease when it happens. Talk to your doctor about:

The support of family and friends can also reduce stress and help manage the symptoms of tachycardia.


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