Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis

Many people are not aware that they suffer from atrial fibrillation (A-fib). A-fib It is possible to spot doctors are listening to the heart using the stethoscope during a physical exam, in addition to other reasons.

A doctor could order several tests to determine the cause of the problem. A-fib or rule out other conditions that may be causing similar signs. The tests may include:



Treatment for atrial fibrillation varies on how long you’ve been suffering for. A-fib The symptoms you experience and the root of the heartbeat issue. The main goals of treatment are to address:

The treatment for atrial fibrillation may include:

Together with your doctor, you will discuss the most effective treatment options for you. It is important to adhere to the treatment for atrial fibrillation you have chosen. If A-fib If it isn’t properly controlled when it’s not well controlled, it can result in other complications, such as heart failure or strokes. Peoples also wants to know about Chest Pain.


It is possible to be prescribed medication to slow down the rate at which your heart beats and return it to normal levels. Also, medications can be recommended to avoid blood clots, which can be a risky consequence of A-fib.

Treatments for atrial fibrillation comprise:

Therapy for cardioversion

If A-fib the symptoms are a nuisance, or if it’s the first time that is a result of the atrial fibrillation condition, the doctor might try to restore the heart’s rhythm (sinus rhythm) by a procedure known as cardioversion.

Cardioversion can be performed in two methods:

The procedure is typically performed in hospitals as a procedure that is scheduled, however, it can be performed in emergencies. If it’s scheduled or scheduled, it is recommended that warfarin (Jantoven) or a different blood thinner could be administered for a couple of weeks prior to the procedure being carried out to decrease the chance of strokes and blood clots.

After electrical cardioversion (ECV) Anti-arrhythmic medication can be prescribed to stop further episodes of atrial flutter. Even with medication, there is a possibility of another incident of atrial fibrillation.

Catheter or surgery procedures

If A-fib If the patient isn’t improving with medication or other treatments If a patient isn’t improving, a physician may recommend the procedure of cardiac ablation. Sometimes, ablation is the initial treatment for some patients.

Cardiac ablation utilizes the use of heat (radiofrequency energy) or extreme cold (cryoablation) to cause scars on your heart that stop electrical signals that are abnormal and restore a normal heartbeat. A physician inserts the flexible tubing (catheter) through the blood vessel, typically within your groin and then in your heart. There are many catheters that can be utilized. Sensors at the catheter’s tip provide thermal or cold energy.

Infrequently, ablation is carried out using scalpels during open-heart surgery.

There are various types that are used for cardiac ablation. The kind that is used for treating atrial fibrillation varies on the specific symptoms you experience, your general health, and whether you’re undergoing another heart surgery.

Some kinds of ablations that could be employed to treat atrial flutter are:

If a scalpel was used to make the maze it is required to open the heart. This is known as the maze surgical procedure. It is the most popular method of atrial fibrillation treatment for patients who require another procedure, like coronary artery bypass surgery, or repairs to the heart valve.

Atrial fibrillation may return after cardiac ablation. If this occurs, a second cardiac ablation or a different treatment could be recommended. Following cardiac ablation, long-term blood thinners could be required to stop strokes from occurring.

If you know someone who has A-fib If you aren’t able to take blood thinners If you are unable to take blood thinners, your doctor may suggest an intervention using a catheter that seals the small sac (appendage) within the left heart chamber which is where the majority of patients A-fib Related clots develop. This process is known as the closure of the left atrial appendage. A closure device is moved through a catheter into the sac. After the device is in position, the catheter will be removed. The device is then left in position. A procedure for closing the left atrial appendage is an option for those already undergoing heart surgery.