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Generic name: Rabeprazole
Name of the brand: AcipHex

What is AcipHex?


AcipHex is used for short-term use to treat the symptoms caused by gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) in adults and children at or above 1 year old.

AcipHex is prescribed only to adults to treat illnesses that involve excess stomach acid, like Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. Rabeprazole may also be prescribed to adults to help heal duodenal ulcers, or erosive stomach ulcers (damage to the esophagus due to stomach acid).

AcipHex could also be prescribed in conjunction with an antibiotic to avoid duodenal ulcers caused by infection caused by Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori).

Warnings and precautions

AcipHex is not recommended in the event that you have an allergy to rabeprazole, or other similar medications like lansoprazole (Prevacid) and esomeprazole (Nexium) or omeprazole (Prilosec, Zegerid), or pantoprazole (Protonix).

AcipHex is not a solution for immediate relief from heartburn symptoms.

Rabeprazole may cause kidney issues. Inform your doctor when you’re urinating less than normal or if there is some blood in the urine.

Diarrhea can be a sign of a new infection. Consult your physician if you have diarrhea that’s fluid or contains blood.

Rabeprazole can cause new or more severe symptoms of Lupus. Inform your doctor if are experiencing joint pains and a skin-colored rash on your arms or cheeks. It is worsened when exposed to sunlight.

The use of AcipHex can increase the chance of sustaining a bone fracture in the wrist, hip, or spinal column, particularly when you are taking the drug in the long-term or more than one time every day.

Before you start taking this medicine, make sure to consult your doctor.

Heartburn is a common sign of the signs of a coronary attack. Take immediate medical care when you experience chest pain that is spreading to your shoulder or jaw and you experience anxiety or lightheadedness.

It is not recommended to take AcipHex If you have an allergy to rabeprazole.

  • If you are also taking any medication that contains the ingredient rilpivirine (Edurant, Complera, Juluca, Odefsey);
  • If you’ve had breathing issues or kidney issues or an extreme allergic reaction following taking rabeprazole before or
  • If you’re also sensitive to medications such as rabeprazole, for example, esomeprazole and pantoprazole, omeprazole, lansoprazole, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, and others.

To ensure that AcipHex is appropriate for you, be sure to tell your doctor if ever been treated with it.

  • the liver condition;
  • osteoporosis or low bone mineral density ( osteopenia);
  • lupus (an autoimmune disorder); or
  • Low levels of magnesium are present levels in the blood.

There is a higher chance to break a bone in your wrist, hip, or back when you are taking a long-term proton pump inhibitor or more than one time every day. Discuss with your physician ways to ensure your bones are healthy.

Consult your physician if you are nursing or pregnant.

Don’t give this medicine to an infant without seeking medical guidance. Certain strengths and forms of rabeprazole shouldn’t be administered to children older than 12 years.

How to take AcipHex?

AciphexAcipHex is typically taken once every day. Follow all instructions on the prescription label and also read the medication guide or instructions sheets. Make sure you use the medication exactly as prescribed.

AcipHex is intended for short-term use only, generally 4-8 weeks. Your physician may suggest another course of treatment in case you require additional healing time.

AcipHex shouldn’t be given to children older than 1 year.

Drink this medicine by drinking a glass of water.

If you are taking this medication to treat duodenal ulcers you should take it after having a meal. If you’re taking AcipHex to stop ulcers that are caused by Helicobacter Pylori, you should take the medication with food. If you’re taking it for another reason it is possible to take the medication in combination with or without meals.

Follow and read carefully any Instructions for Use that are included along with your medication. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor If you don’t understand the instructions.

Suck the tablet completely and make sure you don’t chew, crush, or break it.

Do not ingest a delayed-release capsule in its entirety. Then, open it up and pour the medicine in one spoonful of soft foods like yogurt, applesauce, or baby food composed of vegetables or fruits. You can also combine the medication with Pedialyte, apple juice as well as infant formula. Consume the mixture immediately without chewing. Don’t save it for use later on.

This medication can alter the outcomes of certain medical tests. Be sure to inform any doctor treating you that you’re taking this medication.

Certain conditions can be treated using an amalgamation that includes AcipHex along with antibiotics. Follow all medication as prescribed.

Use your medication for the prescribed amount of duration, even if symptoms begin to improve.

Contact your physician if your symptoms don’t improve or if symptoms get worse when you take AcipHex 

Keep at room temperature, far from heat and moisture.

Dosage and administration

Dosage Regimen 

Indication Recommended Dosage 
Healing of Erosive or Ulcerative Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 20 mg once daily for 4 to 8 weeks
Maintenance of Healing of Erosive or Ulcerative GERD studied for 12 months 20 mg once daily
Symptomatic GERD in Adults 20 mg once daily for 4 weeks
Healing of Duodenal Ulcers 20 mg once daily after the morning meal for up to 4 weeks
Helicobacter pylori Eradication to Reduce the Risk of Duodenal Ulcer Recurrence
Three Drug Regimen:
Amoxicillin 1000 mg
Clarithromycin 500 mg
All three medications should be taken twice daily with morning and evening meals for 7 days
Pathological Hypersecretory Conditions, Including Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Starting dose 60 mg once daily then adjust to patient needs
Symptomatic GERD in Adolescents
12 Years of Age and Older
20 mg once daily for up to 8 weeks


  • Swallow the whole tablet as a whole.  Do not chew crush the tablets
  • For duodenal ulcer treatment, take the tablet after meal
  • For Helicobacter infection,  take the tablet with food
  • For all other uses take the tablet with or without food

What if I miss a dose?

Do not take the medicine for as long as you are able, but do not take any missed doses if it’s close to the time of the next dose. Don’t have two doses at one time.

How do I react if take too much?

Get medical attention immediately or contact toll-free the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What to be aware of?

This medication can induce diarrhea. This can be an indication of a new infection. If you are experiencing diarrhea that is bloody or watery and you are unsure of the cause, consult your doctor prior to taking anti-diarrhea medication.

AcipHex side effects

Take immediate medical attention If you notice symptoms for an allergy reaction AcipHex: hives and breathing problems or swelling of your lips, face, and tongue.

Consult your physician immediately If you are suffering from:

  • extreme stomach discomfort, diarrhea that is either bloody or watery;
  • suddenly experiencing pain or difficulty moving your wrist, hip, or back
  • seizure (convulsions);
  • kidney problems – fever eruptions, nausea, lack of appetite joint pain, less urination than normal, and urine that is bloody swelling fast weight gain
  • The symptoms are either getting worse or new to Lupus joint pain and a rash of skin on your arms or cheeks which gets worse when exposed to sunlight;
  • Low magnesium levels – dizziness and a rapid or irregular heartbeat or shakes (shaking) or shaking muscle movements and feeling anxious, muscle tension, spasms or cramps in your feet and hands coughing or feeling of choking and
  • symptoms that you are bleeding (if you are also taking warfarin headaches, dizziness, swelling or pain bleeding, bruising, unusual bleeding ( nosebleeds, bleeding gums) and pink or red urine and heavy menstrual flow. bloody or tarry stool, coughing up blood and vomit which appears like coffee grounds, or bleeding that doesn’t stop.

The long-term use of rabeprazole could result in the development of stomach-related growths known as fundic polyps. Discuss with your physician about the risk.

If you are using Rabeprazole for more than three years, you may develop an vitamin B-12 deficiency. Discuss with your doctor the best way to treat this condition in the event that you are diagnosed with it.

Common side effects of Rabeprazole be:

This is not a comprehensive list of possible side effects, and other side effects could occur. Consult your physician to seek medical advice regarding the effects. You can report any side effects to the FDA via 800-FDA-1088.

What other medications can be affecting Rabeprazole?

Inform your doctor about your current medications. There are many drugs that can affect rabeprazole specifically:

  • an antibiotic like clarithromycin or amoxicillin;
  • digoxin;
  • diuretic, also known as “water pills”;
  • methotrexate; or
  • warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven).

This list isn’t exhaustive and there are many Other medications that can interfere with the drug rabeprazole. This includes over-the-counter and prescription drugs, vitamins, and herbal products. There are many possible interactions between drugs. are included here.

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Keep this and other medications away from the reach of children. Never let your medications be shared with anyone else and make sure you make use of Rabeprazole only as that is prescribed.

Always consult your physician to confirm that the information provided on this site is appropriate to your particular situation.

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