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Name of generic: abacavir 
The brand name: Ziagen
Dosage formats: oral solution (20 mg/mL) Oral tablet (300 mg)
Drug Class: Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)


What is the term Ziagen?


Ziagen is an antiviral medication that stops the human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV) from multiplying throughout your body.

Ziagen helps treat HIV the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency disorder (AIDS). Ziagen is a treatment recommended for both children and adults with a minimum age of three months old. Ziagen is not an effective treatment to treat HIV as well as AIDS.

Ziagen can also be used for reasons not mentioned in this guideline.


It is not recommended to use this medication if you have ever experienced the reaction of an allergy to any medication that contains Ziagen. This is especially true especially if you suffer from mild to serious liver diseases or are a carrier of a genetic variation known as HLA-B*5701 allele.

Stop taking Ziagen, and consult your doctor right away when you notice symptoms that indicate an allergy such as an itch, fever, nausea vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea and a general feeling of ill-health fatigue, extreme discomfort; breathlessness as well as coughing, sore throat.

There is a chance that you will suffer from an illness called lactic acidosis. This is an extremely dangerous accumulation of lactic acid within your blood. Consult your doctor or seek medical assistance immediately if you notice unusual muscle pain or breathing problems stomach pain, dizziness, feeling cold or extremely tired or weak.

Ziagen may also trigger serious or life-threatening consequences for the liver. Call your doctor immediately if you experience swelling or pain in your stomach area, nausea, fatigue and dark urine, black or stool that is clay-coloured as well as jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin).

Before you start taking this medicine, make sure to consult your doctor

It is not recommended to use Ziagen when:

  • You have severe or moderate liver disease.
  • If you are a carrier of a genetic variant known as the HLA-B*5701 (your doctor will examine to determine this) or
  • If you’ve experienced the reaction of an allergy to medication that contains Ziagen (such as Ziagen, Epzicom, Triumeq and Trizivir).

Many combinations of HIV medications contain Ziagen as an ingredient. Ziagen is not recommended to be used in conjunction with other medicines that has Ziagen.

There is a chance that you will suffer from the condition known as lactic acidosis. It’s an extremely dangerous accumulation of lactic acid within your blood. This is likely if you suffer from other medical issues and if you’ve used HIV medication for a prolonged period of time, or are a female. Consult your physician about the chances of being at risk.

Inform your doctor if you were ever diagnosed with:

  • Heart disease and excessive blood pressure;
  • Risk of heart disease, for example, smoking or having diabetes excessive cholesterol;
  • liver disease liver disease
  • If you’ve taken any other HIV medications before.

Inform your doctor if are pregnant and make sure you use the correct medications to manage your infection. HIV could be transmitted to your child if the virus is not managed during pregnancy. Your name might be recorded on a registry that tracks the effects of antiviral medication on the infant.

Women who have HIV or AIDS are not allowed to feed their babies. Even if the baby is born with no HIV or AIDS, the virus could be passed on to the child by the milk you give your baby.

How to take Ziagen?

Follow all instructions on the prescription label and review all medication guides or instructions sheets. Make sure you use the medicine precisely as directed.

Ziagen is accompanied by Abacavir comes with a Medication Guide as well as an Information Card that lists the indications that indicate reactions to an allergen. Learn from this guideline and the symptoms to be aware of. Keep the Wallet Card close to you throughout the day.

Ziagen doses are determined by the weight of children and teens. The dosage requirements for your child may be altered if the child increases or sheds pounds.

Ziagen is a drug that can be taken in conjunction with and without meals.

Make sure to measure the liquid medicine with care. Utilize the dosing syringe that comes with or use a dosage-metering device (not the kitchen spoon).

You’ll need to take frequent medical examinations.

Utilize all HIV medications according to the directions and carefully read the medical guides you are given. Don’t alter your dose or dosing schedule without a doctor’s approval. Everyone suffering from HIV must remain under the supervision of a physician.

Keep at room temperature, far from heat and moisture.

It is possible to keep orally-dissolved solution (liquid) within the fridge, but don’t let it cool.

How do I deal with it if do not take the dose?

Do not take the medicine for as long as you are able, but do not take any missed doses if you are nearing the time to take the next dose. Don’t take two doses at a time.

Make sure you refill your prescription before you are out of medication completely. If you skip multiple doses, you could be prone to a serious or fatal allergic reaction when you take Ziagen for the second time.

If I take too much?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact toll-free the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should I stay clear of while taking Ziagen?

Beware of drinking alcohol. This can increase the chance of sustaining damage to your liver.

Ziagen does not stop the transmission of HIV to others. Be sure to not engage in unprotected sexual sex or share toothbrushes or razors. Consult your doctor about ways to protect yourself from HIV transmission during sexual contact. Sharing needles for medicine or drugs are not safe, even for a healthy individual.

Ziagen side effects

Stop using abacavir, and consult your physician immediately If you experience indications of an allergic reaction resulting from one or more of the following adverse reaction groups:

  • Group 1 – fever;
  • Group 2 – rash;
  • Group 3 – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain;
  • Group 4 – general ill feeling, extreme tiredness, body aches;
  • Group 5 –  sore throat, shortness of breath, chest pain

After you’ve experienced an allergy reaction with Ziagen you should not take this medication the next time. If you stop using abacavir due to any reason, consult your physician prior to using the medication again.

Ziagen may cause dangerous side effects that might not indicate an allergic reaction. Call your doctor immediately if you notice:

  • extreme stomach pains in the upper part of the stomach nausea vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • swelling around your midsection;
  • dark urine, stool that is colored by clay as well as jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin);
  • unusual fatigue excessive tiredness
  • chest discomfort or pressure, radiating to your shoulder or jaw.

The mild symptoms of lactic acidosis can get worse in time and could cause death. Seek medical attention immediately when you experience unusual muscular pain, difficulty breathing nausea, stomach pain or a heart rate that is irregular fainting, feeling cold or fatigued or weak.

Ziagen can affect your immune system and could cause some adverse effects (even months or even weeks after you’ve taken the medicine). Consult your physician whether you suffer from:

  • symptoms of a new infection: fever, night sweats and swollen glands. the appearance of cold sores wheezing, cough, vomiting, weight loss;
  • difficulties swallowing or speaking difficulties with balance, eye movement weak or prickly sensation trouble speaking or swallowing; or
  • swelling in your throat or neck (enlarged thyroid) Menstrual fluctuations, impotence.

Common side effects can be:

  • fatigue;
  • sleep problems, strange dreams;
  • headache and fatigue and fatigue, fever, chills general ill-feeling;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • The rash, or
  • (in children) Sneezing, stuffy nose (in children) sore throat and ear pain.

This isn’t a complete list of all side effects. other side effects could occur. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on the effects. You can report any symptoms to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Ziagen dosing information

Usual Adult Dose for HIV Infection:

300 mg orally twice per day or 600 mg taken orally at least once per day

Use: In conjunction with other antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV-1 infection

Usual Adult Dose for Nonoccupational Exposure:

US CDC recommendations: 300 mg taken orally twice daily and 600 mg once per day
Therapy duration The duration of therapy is 28 days

Recommendation as a part of other regimens (NNRTI-based or protease inhibitor-based and/or three NRTI) for non-occupational postexposure treatment of HIV disease
The treatment should begin whenever possible after 72 hours of exposure.
Current guidelines should be reviewed for more details.

Usual Adult Dose for Occupational Exposure:

US Public Health Service working group recommendations 300 mg taken orally every day, or 600 mg orally twice per day
The duration of therapy is up to 28 days. If the treatment is well-tolerated.

Only after consultation with an expert as an alternative therapy for HIV prophylaxis after exposure.
The treatment should begin as soon as is possible as possible and should be initiated within the first 24 hours following the exposure.
The optimal time for prophylaxis is not known and could be different based on the protocols of the institution.
The current guidelines should be read for further details.

Usual Pediatric Dose for HIV Infection:

3 months or more:
Inhalation solution 8 mg/kg is taken orally twice per day or 16 mg/kg orally at least once per day.
Maximum dose: 600 mg/day

between 14 and less than 20kg: 150 mg per day twice per day or 300 mg orally, once every day
Between 20 and 25 kilograms 100 mg oral in the morning, 300 mg at night and 450 mg in the evening. every day
If you weigh more than 25, take 300 mg of oral every day, or 600 mg every day

Use: In conjunction with other antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV-1 infection


What other medications will alter the effects of Ziagen?

Inform your doctor about any other medications you take including:

  • riociguat;
  • methadone Or
  • Any other HIV drugs.

This list is not comprehensive. Other drugs can interact with Ziagen, such as prescription and OTC medicines, vitamins, and herbal remedies. Some interactions with drugs are not listed here. are included in this list.

Additional details

Be sure to keep this medication and other medications away from the reach of children. Never let your medications be shared with anyone else and take this medication only in the manner prescribed by your doctor.

Always consult your physician to confirm that the information provided on this page is applicable to your particular situation.



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