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Generic name: secukinumab

Brand name: Cosentyx, Cosentyx Sensoready Pen, Cosentyx Sensoready Pen 2-pack, Cosentyx 2-pack
Dosage forms: subcutaneous solution (150 mg/mL; 75 mg/0.5 mL)
Drug class: Interleukin inhibitors


What is Secukinumab?


Secukinumab is an anti-inflammatory drug that is used for treating moderate to severe plaque psoriasis for adults and children who are six years old.

Secukinumab may also be used by adults to treat psoriatic arthritis ankylosing spondylitis or axial Spondyloarthritis.

Secukinumab can also be used for reasons not mentioned in this guideline.



It is possible to contract infections more frequently. Consult your physician right immediately if you notice symptoms of infection, such as fever, chills and sweats, muscle pains or stomach pain, skin sores and diarrhea, burning whenever you are urinating, weight loss, breathing problems, shortness of breath, or a cough accompanied by pink or red mucus.


Before taking this medication, you must consult your physician

Secukinumab should not be used in case you have an allergy to it.

Inform your doctor whether you’ve had exposure to tuberculosis or if you’ve traveled recently. Certain types of infections are more prevalent in specific regions of the world. Also, it is possible that you were exposed to the disease during your travels.

Inform your doctor if you were ever diagnosed with:

  • An active or chronic illness;
  • IBD (Crohn’s illness (also known as ulcerative colitis);
  • allergies to latex or
  • If you’re experiencing symptoms of infection like chills, fever, sweats or muscle pain, shortness of breath, cough and a bloody cough and skin sores, weight loss or stomach pain diarrhea, or painful urine.

Check to see if you’re up-to-date on your vaccinations prior to when you begin using secukinumab.

Consult your physician if you are nursing or pregnant.


How to take Secukinumab?

Follow the directions on your prescription label, and review all medication guides and instructions. Your doctor may alter your dosage. Follow the medication precisely as directed.

Secukinumab is injected beneath the skin.

Talk to your pharmacist or doctor for help if you aren’t sure about the procedure for using an injection.

Make an injection only once it is time to administer it. It may be necessary to administer two injections to obtain your full dosage.

Secukinumab should appear transparent or light yellow. Consult your pharmacist if medication appears cloudy, changed color, or particles.

Your physician will inform you of the best place you can inject the secukinumab. Don’t inject the same area twice in the same row. Do not inject into skin that is dry bruised, red or tender. It may also be swollen, tender, or is affected by Psoriasis. Don’t inject between 2 and 3 inches from the navel (belly button).

There is a chance that you will contract infections more frequently, and even more serious infections. You’ll require frequent medical tests.

Don’t reuse needles or syringes. Put them in an impervious to puncture “sharps” container and dispose of it in accordance with the laws of your state or municipality. Keep them out of range of children and pets.

Keep secukinumab stored in the original container and store it in a refrigerator. Keep it away from light and avoid shaking, or even freezing.

The injection pen should be taken out of the refrigerator. Let it cool to the temperature of a room for about 15 to 30 minutes prior to applying. Inject the medication within one hour after taking the medicine from the refrigerator.

It is possible to keep the injector pen or a prefilled syringe at room temperature (no greater than 86° F) until 4 days. The pen or syringe should be returned to the refrigerator in the event that it is not used for 4 days. Toss the syringe or injection pen away if it is left at room temperature for more than four days.

Dispose of an empty syringe or pen for injection after one time use even if there’s some medicine in the.


If I don’t take a dose?

Consult your physician for treatment in case you missed the Secukinumab dose.


If I consume too much?

Get medical attention immediately or contact for help at the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.


What should I stay clear of while using secukinumab?

Beware of receiving the “live” vaccine. Live vaccines include measles-rubella, mumps (MMR), and rotavirus. yellow fever, typhoid varicella (chickenpox), and Zoster (shingles).


Secukinumab side effects

Contact emergency medical assistance If you are experiencing symptoms warning signs of an allergic response, such as an allergic reaction to hives, chest tightness or breathing difficulty or feeling that you may faint or pass out; swelling of your lips, face, and tongue.

Contact your doctor immediately when you show symptoms of infection, such as:

  • the appearance of redness, warmth, or sores that hurt your skin.
  • cough, breathlessness cough that is pink or red mucus
  • more frequent urination, burning sensation when you pee;
  • sores or white patches of your throat or mouth (yeast infections (also known as “thrush”);
  • New or worsening diarrhea, or stomach pains;
  • The symptoms include sweating, chills, fever muscles, pain, weight loss, chest pain

Additional doses can be delayed until the inflammation is gone.

Common side effects could be:

  • diarrhea; or
  • cold symptoms like congestion, sneezing, and sore throat.

This isn’t a complete list of possible side effects, and others could happen. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on adverse effects. You may report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Secukinumab dosing information

Usual Adult Dose for Plaque Psoriasis:

300 mg subcutaneously during weeks 0, 2, 3, and 4, then followed with 300 mg every four months (each 300 mg dosage is administered in 2 under the skin with a total of 150 mg) For certain patients for whom a dose equivalent to 150 mg per subcutaneous injection might be considered acceptable.

Use moderate up to extreme plaque psoriasis for adult patients who qualify for phototherapy or systemic therapy.

Usual Adult Dose for Psoriatic Arthritis:

With a loading dosage  Subcutaneously 150 mg at weeks 0 2, 3, and 4, and at every 4 weeks after that.
Without a dosage Subcutaneously, 150 mg every 4 weeks; if the patient has active psoriatic arthritis consider increasing the dosage by 300 mg once every 4 weeks.

For patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis with co-existing severe to moderate plaque psoriasis, take the dosage recommended for plaque psoriasis.
This drug can be taken in combination with and without methotrexate.

Use active Psoriatic arthritis

Usual Adult Dose for Ankylosing Spondylitis:

 If use loading dose: 150  mg subcutaneously at weeks 1, 2 3, and 4, and every 4 weeks thereafter.

If no loading dose: 150 mg subcutaneously every 4 weeks

For active ankylosing spondylitis
Treatment of active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nraxSpA)  with visible inflammation


What other drugs can have an effect on secukinumab?

Other medications may interact with secukinumab. These include prescription and non-prescription medicines as well as vitamins and herbal products. Inform your doctor about any other medicines you take.

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