

Generic name: prednisone 
Name of the brand: Rayos, Sterapred Deltasone
The class of drug: Glucocorticoids



Prednisone is what?

Prednisone is a corticosteroid. It stops the release of substances within the body that trigger inflammation. It also reduces the immune system.

Prednisone can be used as an anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressant medication.

Prednisone is used to treat a variety of ailments, including allergic disorders and skin conditions, as well as ulcerative colitis arthritis, lupus, breathing disorders, or psoriasis.


Prednisone can treat many ailments, including allergic disorders and skin conditions, as well as ulcerative colitis arthritis, lupus, breathing disorders, and psoriasis.

Prednisone should not be taken in the event of an infection caused by fungal bacteria which requires oral antifungals. Antifungals applied to the skin are not necessarily a problem however, you should inform your doctor about any medications you’re taking prior to the medication.

Steroid medications can weaken the immune system of your body, which makes it easier to contract an infection. Avoid those with illnesses or suffering from illnesses. Don’t get the “live” vaccine while using prednisone.

Consult your doctor immediately If you notice a breathing problem or extreme discomfort in your stomach Bloody or tarry stool or extreme depression, changes in behavior or personality as well as vision problems or eye discomfort.

Do not stop taking prednisone in a sudden manner. Follow the instructions of your physician about the tapering of the dosage.


Before you start taking this medicine, make sure to consult your doctor

It is not recommended to use this medication if you have an allergy to prednisone, or you suffer from a fungal infection which requires oral antifungal treatment.

Steroids can affect immunity, which makes it more difficult to contract an infection, or worsening an existing infection that you have already or recently suffered from. Inform your doctor of any infection or illness you’ve had in the last couple of weeks.

To ensure that prednisone is appropriate for you, consult your doctor that you suffer from:

The long-term use of steroids can result in loss of bone (osteoporosis) particularly in the event that you smoke, you are not active, and if you don’t have enough calcium or vitamin D within your daily diet or have an ancestry of osteoporosis. Consult your physician regarding your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Prednisone could result in birth weight issues and birth defects if taken the medication in the first trimester. Inform your doctor if are expecting or planning for pregnancy while taking this drug. Use effective birth control.

Prednisone may be absorbed into the milk of a nursing baby and cause harm to the nursing infant. Consult your physician if you are breastfeeding your baby.

Steroids can affect growth in children. Consult your physician in the event that you suspect your child isn’t growing at a normal pace when taking this medication.

What is the best way to use prednisone

Prednisone should be taken exactly as directed by your physician. Follow the directions on the prescription label. Your doctor could alter the dose of your medication to ensure you are getting the best outcomes. Be sure to not take this medication in greater or lesser doses or for longer periods than prescribed.

Prednisone is a medication that you can take with food.

Your dosage requirements may alter if you are experiencing unusual stress, such as an illness that is serious or fever, or if you are undergoing surgery or an emergency medical situation. Don’t alter your dosage or schedule without consulting your physician.

Take measurements of liquid medicines using an appropriate dose-measuring spoon or medicine cup. If you do not own a device for measuring doses Ask your pharmacist for one.

Do not chew, crush or break a delayed-release tablet. Suck it up the whole.

If you take this medicine you might require regular blood tests in the doctor’s office. Your blood pressure might need to be monitored.

This medication could cause unnatural results when you undergo certain tests. Be sure to inform any doctor treating you that you’re taking this medication.

It is not recommended to stop taking prednisone in a sudden manner. Follow the instructions of your physician about the tapering of the dosage.

Wear an alert for medical conditions or carry an ID card that confirms that you’re taking prednisone. Any doctor who sees you must be aware that you’re taking steroids.

Place in a cool, dry place far from heat and moisture.

If I don’t take the dose?

Do the dose missed as soon as you can remember. Do not take any missed doses if you are nearing the time for the next dose. Do not take any additional medicine to make up for the missed dose.

How do I react if consume too much?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact for help at the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

Prednisone overdoses are not likely to trigger life-threatening symptoms. However, the long-term exposure to high doses of steroids could cause symptoms such as skin thinning and easy bruising, as well as changes in the form or position of fat (especially around the neck, face back, waist, and face) and a rise in facial hair or acne menstrual issues as well as impotence or the loss of interest in sexual activity.

What should I be aware of?

Beware of those that are sick, or suffering from illnesses. Consult your physician to get preventive treatment when you’ve been exposed to measles or chickenpox. These illnesses can be severe or even fatal in those who take steroids.

Don’t receive any “live” vaccine while using this medication. Prednisone could increase your chance of adverse consequences from a live vaccine. The live vaccines are measles-rubella, mumps (MMR), and rotavirus. yellow fever and varicella (chickenpox) the one kind of typhoid vaccine, and nasal influenza (influenza) influenza vaccine.

Do not drink alcohol when you’re taking prednisone.

Prednisone adverse effects

See a doctor immediately If you notice any of these symptoms that indicate an allergy reaction. asthmatic breathing difficulties or swelling of your lips, face, and tongue.

Consult your physician immediately If you are suffering from:

Other prednisone side effects that are common could be:

This is not a comprehensive list of all side effects. other side effects could be experienced. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on adverse effects. You may report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

What other medications will interfere with prednisone?

A variety of drugs be incompatible with prednisone. There are many possible interactions that are not included in this article. Inform your doctor of your medicines and all you stop or start taking in the course of treatment with prednisone. in particular:

This isn’t a complete list and a variety of other medications can be incompatible with prednisone. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medications, vitamins, and herbal remedies. Provide an inventory of all the medicines you take to any doctor who will treat you.

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