

Pericarditis can cause irritation and swelling of the thin sac-like tissue around the heart (pericardium). Pericarditis frequently causes severe chest pain, and occasionally other signs. The chest pain happens because the irritating parts of the pericardium press one another.

Pericarditis is typically mild and disappears without treatment. Treatment for more severe cases can consist of medication and, in rare instances surgical intervention. Early diagnosis and treatment can lower the chance of complications that can last for a long time from pericarditis¹.


Symptoms of Pericarditis

It is the single most frequent sign of the condition known as pericarditis. It typically feels sharp chest pain. Some people experience the sensation of achy, dull, or chest pain that is similar to pressure.

Other symptoms and signs of pericarditis are:

The symptoms you experience depend on the kind of pericarditis that you suffer from. Pericarditis is classified into various categories based on the symptoms that are present and the length of time that symptoms last.

When should you seek medical help?

Take immediate medical attention If you notice new signs of chest discomfort.

The symptoms of pericarditis are comparable to other lung and heart conditions. The sooner you’re assessed, the faster you will receive an appropriate assessment and therapy. For instance, while the cause of chest pain could be due to pericarditis in origin, the actual reason could be an incident of heart disease or blood clot that has formed in the lung (pulmonary embolus).


Pericarditis cause is not always clear. Sometimes, doctors are unable to pinpoint the reason (idiopathic pericarditis).

Pericarditis causes are:


Early detection and treatment for pericarditis is usually a way to reduce the risk of complications that can last for a long time. The most common complications of pericarditis are:

Pericardial effusion. Pericarditis is usually caused by fluid in the heart and can result in more severe complications.

Constrictive chronic pericarditis. Some people with chronic (chronic) pericarditis experience permanent scarring and thickening of the pericardium. This hinders it from fully filling up and completely emptying. This uncommon complication usually leads to significant constriction of legs as well as the abdomen, as well as shortness of breath.

The tamponade of the cardiac valve. This life-threatening condition is caused by excessive fluid accumulating inside the pericardium. The excess fluid causes immense pressure upon the heart but doesn’t let it fill up properly. The heart’s blood supply is reduced which causes a drastic reduction in blood pressure. Cardiac tamponade is a condition that requires immediate treatment.


The doctor will inspect you and ask questions regarding your medical history and symptoms.

During the examination, the doctor will put the stethoscope over your chest and listen to the heart’s sounds. Pericarditis produces a particular sound known as the pericardial rub. The sound occurs when two sacs around the heart (pericardium) rub against one and against each.


The blood tests are typically done to determine the presence of heart attacks inflammation and infection. Other tests to determine the presence of pericarditis include:


Treatment of Pericarditis

Treatment for pericarditis varies based on the source and extent of the symptoms. Mild pericarditis can improve without treatment.


Treatments to lessen swelling and inflammation are commonly prescribed. Examples include:

If the pericarditis you’re experiencing is the result of an infection with bacteria You’ll be treated by using antibiotics and drainage should it be necessary.

Surgery or other procedures

If pericarditis results in fluid buildup in the area around your heart, you could require a drainage procedure or even surgery. Treatment options can include:


Lifestyle and home solutions to home

For mild pericarditis and pain medication over-the-counter that, you take according to the advice of your physician might suffice.

While recovering, stay away from intense physical activities or competitive sports. This type of activity could cause pericarditis symptoms. Discuss with your physician what time you should be off.


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