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Suprane Dosage

Generic name: Desflurane
Drug class: General anesthetics

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  VOLATILE LIQUID

General anesthesia induction

[MAC in 100% oxygen]
Dose: individualize dose; Start: 3%, incr. by 0.5-1% q2-3 breaths prn; Info: cough/excitation may limit induction speed; end tidal conc. 4-11% produces surgical anesthesia x2-4min; MAC in 25 yo = 7.3%, in 45 yo = 6%, in 70 yo = 5.2%; blood/gas partition coefficient (37C) = 0.42
[MAC in 60% nitrous oxide/40% oxygen]
Dose: individualize dose; Start: 3%, incr. by 0.5-1% q2-3 breaths prn; Info: cough/excitation may limit induction speed; end tidal conc. 4-11% produces surgical anesthesia x2-4min; MAC in 25 yo = 4%, in 45 yo = 2.8%, in 70 yo = 1.7%; blood/gas partition coefficient (37C) = 0.42

General anesthesia maintenance

[MAC in 100% oxygen]
Dose: individualize dose, typical range 2.5-8.5%; Info: titrate inhalation to effect; MAC in 25 yo = 7.3%, in 45 yo = 6%, in 70 yo = 5.2%; blood/gas partition coefficient (37C) = 0.42
[MAC in 60% nitrous oxide/40% oxygen]
Dose: individualize dose, typical range 2.5-8.5%; Info: titrate inhalation to effect; MAC in 25 yo = 4%, in 45 yo = 2.8%, in 70 yo = 1.7%; blood/gas partition coefficient (37C) = 0.42

Renal dosing

renal impairment: no adjustment
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[no adjustment]



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