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Protopam Chloride Dosage

Generic name: pralidoxime
Drug class: Antidotes

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  INJ

Cholinesterase inhibitor overdose

[1-2 g IV x1, then 250 mg IV q5min until sx reverse]

Organophosphate insecticide poisoning

[IV route]
Dose: 1-2 g IV x1; Max: 2 g/dose; Alt: 30 mg/kg/dose IV x1, then 8 mg/kg/h IV up to 500 mg/h; Info: give atropine first; may repeat 1-2 g IV in 1h, then q10-12h if muscle weakness persists; may repeat dose q3-8h if poisoning due to ingestion; decr. intermittent dose to 5-10 mg/kg IV if frail or elderly
[IM route, mild sx]
Dose: 0.6 g IM x1; Max: 0.6 g/dose, 3 doses/course; Info: give atropine first; repeat q15min x2 doses if mild sx persist; give 2 additional doses in rapid succession if severe sx develop; decr. dose to 10 mg/kg/dose IM if frail or elderly
[IM route, severe sx]
Dose: 0.6 g IM x3 doses in rapid succession; Max: 0.6 g/dose, 3 doses/course; Info: give atropine first; may repeat 3-dose regimen 1h after last dose if severe sx persist; decr. dose to 8 mg/kg/dose IM if frail or elderly

Organophosphate nerve agent poisoning

[IV route]
Dose: 1-2 g IV x1; Max: 2 g/dose; Alt: 30 mg/kg/dose IV x1, then 8 mg/kg/h IV up to 500 mg/h; Info: give atropine first; may repeat 1-2 g IV in 1h, then q10-12h if muscle weakness persists; may repeat dose q3-8h if poisoning due to ingestion; decr. intermittent dose to 5-10 mg/kg IV if frail or elderly
[IM route, mild sx]
Dose: 0.6 g IM x1; Max: 0.6 g/dose, 3 doses/course; Info: give atropine first; repeat q15min x2 doses if mild sx persist; give 2 additional doses in rapid succession if severe sx develop; decr. dose to 10 mg/kg/dose IM if frail or elderly
[IM route, severe sx]
Dose: 0.6 g IM x3 doses in rapid succession; Max: 0.6 g/dose, 3 doses/course; Info: give atropine first; may repeat 3-dose regimen 1h after last dose if severe sx persist; decr. dose to 8 mg/kg/dose IM if frail or elderly

Renal dosing

[adjust dose amount]
renal impairment: decr. usual dose, amount not defined
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[not defined]



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