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Prolia Dosage

Generic name: denosumab (Prolia)
Drug class: Miscellaneous bone resorption inhibitors

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  INJ (pre-filled syringe): 60 mg per mL; INJ (vial): 60 mg per mL

Osteoporosis, postmenopausal

[60 mg SC q6mo]
Info: for pts w/ osteoporotic fracture hx, w/ multiple fracture risk factors, or who have failed other osteoporosis tx; avoid invasive dental procedure; calcium and vitamin D supplementation required; reassess need for tx in 5-10y

Osteoporosis, male

[60 mg SC q6mo]
Info: for pts w/ osteoporotic fracture hx, w/ multiple fracture risk factors, or who have failed other osteoporosis tx; avoid invasive dental procedure; calcium and vitamin D supplementation required

Osteoporosis, steroid-induced

[60 mg SC q6mo]
Info: for pts on >7.5 mg/day prednisone or equiv and osteoporotic fracture hx, multiple fracture risk factors, or who have failed other osteoporosis tx; avoid invasive dental procedure; calcium and vitamin D supplementation required

Bone loss, cancer tx-induced

[60 mg SC q6mo]
Info: for breast or prostate CA pts at high fracture risk receiving hormone ablation tx; avoid invasive dental procedure; calcium and vitamin D supplementation required

Renal dosing

[no adjustment]
renal impairment: no adjustment
HD/PD: no adjustment; no supplement

Hepatic dosing

[not defined]


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