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Vidaza Dosage

Generic name: azacitidine
Drug class: Miscellaneous antineoplastics

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  INJ

Special Note

[formulation clarification]
Info: do not substitute for PO azacitidine
[uses, dosing may vary]
Info: refer to institution protocols and pkg insert prior to prescribing for uses, premeds, and dosing incl. toxicity-related dose adjustments

Myelodysplastic syndrome

[75-100 mg/m^2/dose SC/IV x1 on days 1-7 of 28-day cycle]
Start: 75 mg/m^2/dose SC/IV x1 on days 1-7 of 28-day cycle for cycle 1 and 2; Info: give for at least 4-6 cycles

AML, newly diagnosed

[combo w/ ivosidenib; IDH1-mutated dz]
Dose: 75 mg/m^2/dose SC/IV x1 on days 1-7 of 28-day cycle for at least 6mo; Alt: 75 mg/m^2/dose SC/IV x1 on days 1-5 and 8-9 of 28-day cycle for at least 6mo; Info: for pts 75 yo and older, or who are ineligible for intensive induction chemo d/t comorbidities
[combo w/ venetoclax]
Dose: 75 mg/m^2/dose SC/IV x1 on days 1-7 of 28-day cycle; Info: for pts 75 yo and older, or who are ineligible for intensive induction chemo d/t comorbidities; cytoreduction may be required if WBC >25,000 prior to 1st dose

Renal dosing

CrCl >30: no adjustment; CrCl <30: not defined, caution advised
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

hepatic dz: caution advised; advanced malignant hepatic tumors: contraindicated



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