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Varizig Dosage

Generic name: varicella zoster immune globulin
Drug class: Immune globulins

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.

 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  INJ: 125 units per 1.2 mL

Varicella zoster prophylaxis, post-exposure

[<30 kg]
Dose: 375 units IM x1; Start: ASAP after exposure, maximum efficacy w/in 96h; Info: may give up to 10 days post-exposure; may repeat x1 after >3wk in high risk pts if additional exposures
[30.1-40 kg]
Dose: 500 units IM x1; Start: ASAP after exposure, maximum efficacy w/in 96h; Info: may give up to 10 days post-exposure; may repeat x1 after >3wk in high risk pts if additional exposures
[>40.1 kg]
Dose: 625 units IM x1; Start: ASAP after exposure, maximum efficacy w/in 96h; Info: may give up to 10 days post-exposure; may repeat x1 after >3wk in high risk pts if additional exposures

Renal dosing

renal impairment: no adjustment
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[not defined]




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