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Valium Dosage

Generic name: diazepam (oral)
Drug classes: Benzodiazepine anticonvulsants, Benzodiazepines

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  TAB: 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg

Dosage Forms Discontinued in US

[IM, IV not avail. as brand; see generic]


[2-10 mg PO bid-qid]
Alt: 2-10 mg IM/IV q3-4h prn; Info: taper dose gradually to D/C

Sedation, preop

[10 mg IM x1]
Start: before surgery

Sedation, procedural

Dose: 5-15 mg IV x1; Start: 5-10min before procedure
Dose: up to 20 mg IV x1; Start: 30min before procedure; Alt: 5-10 mg IM x1

Alcohol withdrawal, acute

[5 mg PO tid-qid prn]
Start: 10 mg PO tid-qid x24h; Alt: 10 mg IM/IV x1, then 5-10 mg IM/IV q3-4h prn; Info: taper dose gradually to D/C

Muscle spasm

[2-10 mg PO tid-qid]
Alt: 5-10 mg IM/IV q3-4h prn; Info: larger doses may be required for tetanus; taper dose gradually to D/C

Seizure disorder, adjunct tx

[2-10 mg PO bid-qid]
Info: taper dose gradually to D/C

Status epilepticus

[5-10 mg IV q10-15min prn]
Max: 30 mg/total dose

Confusional arousals

[5-10 mg PO qhs]
Info: taper dose gradually to D/C

Sleep terrors

[5-10 mg PO qhs]
Info: taper dose gradually to D/C


[5-10 mg PO qhs]
Info: taper dose gradually to D/C

*Serotonin syndrome, adjunct tx

[5-10 mg PO q30-60min PRN]
Alt: 5-10 mg IM/IV q10min PRN

Renal dosing

renal impairment: no adjustment; Info: caution advised, metabolite accumulation possible
HD/PD: no adjustment; no supplement; Info: caution advised, metabolite accumulation possible

Hepatic dosing

mild-mod impairment: caution advised; severe impairment: contraindicated


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