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Uptravi Dosage

Generic name: selexipag (oral/injection)
Drug class: Agents for pulmonary hypertension

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.

 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  TAB: 200 mcg, 400 mcg, 600 mcg, 800 mcg, 1000 mcg, 1200 mcg, 1400 mcg, 1600 mcg; INJ: 1800 mcg

Restricted Distribution in US

[1-866-228-3546 or www.uptravi.com for more info]

Pulmonary arterial HTN

[200-1600 mcg PO bid]
Start: 200 mcg PO bid, may incr. by 400 mcg/day PO qwk as tolerated; Max: 3200 mcg/day PO; 3600 mcg/day IV; Alt: 225-1800 mcg IV bid; Info: may use IV temporarily if unable to take PO; see pkg insert for PO/IV dose conversions; do not cut/crush/chew tab

Renal dosing

eGFR >15: no adjustment; eGFR <15: not defined
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

Child-Pugh Class B: give qd; Child-Pugh Class C: avoid use




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