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Tavneos Dosage

Generic name: avacopan
Drug class: Selective immunosuppressants

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  CAP: 10 mg

Granulomatosis w/ polyangiitis, adjunct tx

[30 mg PO bid]
Info: do not open cap; give w/ food; D/C if AST/ALT >5x ULN or if AST/ALT >3x ULN and total bilirubin >2x ULN

Microscopic polyangiitis, adjunct tx

[30 mg PO bid]
Info: do not open cap; give w/ food; D/C if AST/ALT >5x ULN or if AST/ALT >3x ULN and total bilirubin >2x ULN

Renal dosing

renal impairment: no adjustment
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

Child-Pugh Class C: avoid use



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