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Tamiflu Dosage

Generic name: oseltamivir
Drug class: Neuraminidase inhibitors

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD


 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  CAP: 30 mg, 75 mg; SUSP: 6 mg per mL

Special Note

Info: >98% of currently circulating influenza virus in US is oseltamivir-susceptible

Influenza A and B (seasonal flu) tx, uncomplicated

[75 mg PO bid x5 days]
Start: w/in 48h of sx onset; Info: may consider incr. to 105 mg PO bid in pregnant pts; may consider incr. to 150 mg PO bid if hospitalized w/ severe dz or immunocompromised, incl. pregnant pts; may extend tx if immunocompromised

Influenza A and B (seasonal flu) prophylaxis

[75 mg PO qd x7 days after last known exposure]
Start: w/in 48h of exposure; Info: give for at least 14 days and x7 days after last known case for institutional setting outbreaks; consider pre-exposure prophylaxis if very high risk for complications and cannot receive influenza vaccine, start when influenza activity detected in community and continue for duration of influenza activity

Renal dosing

CrCl 31-60: 30 mg bid x5 days; CrCl 11-30: 30 mg qd x5 days; CrCl <10: avoid use
HD: 30 mg x1 then 30 mg 3x/wk after dialysis x5 days; consider supplement if next maint. dose not due right after dialysis; PD: 30 mg x1; supplement not defined
CrCl 31-60: 30 mg qd; CrCl 11-30: 30 mg q48h; CrCl <10: avoid use
HD: 30 mg x1 then 30 mg after every other dialysis; consider supplement if next maint. dose not due right after dialysis; PD: 30 mg x1 then 30 mg qwk; supplement not defined

Hepatic dosing

Child-Pugh Class A or B: no adjustment; Child-Pugh Class C: not defined



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