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Procysbi Dosage

Generic name: cysteamine
Brand names: Cystagon, Procysbi
Drug class: Miscellaneous uncategorized agents

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


 Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  DR CAP: 25 mg, 75 mg; DR GRANULE: 75 mg per pkt, 300 mg per pkt

Restricted Distribution in US

Nephropathic cystinosis

[initial tx]
Dose: 1300 mg/m^2/day PO/GT divided q12h; Start: 200-300 mg/m^2/day PO/GT divided q12h, then may incr. dose over 4-6wk; Max: 1950 mg/m^2/day; Info: give >30min before or >2h after meals; avoid admin. w/ high fat meal; may open cap; do not crush/chew cap contents or granules; adjust dose by 10% to maintain WBC cystine level <1 nmol ½ cys/mg protein
[conversion from IR form]
Dose: 1300 mg/m^2/day PO/GT divided q12h; Max: 1950 mg/m^2/day; Info: give >30min before or >2h after meals; avoid admin. w/ high fat meal; may open cap; do not crush/chew cap contents or granules; adjust dose by 10% to maintain WBC cystine level <1 nmol ½ cys/mg protein

Renal dosing

[not defined]
renal impairment: not defined
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[not defined]


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