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Patisiran Dosage

Generic name: patisiran
Brand name: Onpattro
Drug class: Miscellaneous metabolic agents

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.

Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  INJ

Restricted Distribution in US

[1-833-256-2748 or www.onpattro.com for more info]

Polyneuropathy, hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis-assoc.

[<100 kg]
Dose: 0.3 mg/kg/dose IV q3wk; Info: use ABW to calculate dose; premed w/ corticosteroid, acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, and H2 blocker >60min before each infusion; see pkg insert for missed dose recommendations; vitamin A supplementation recommended
[>100 kg]
Dose: 30 mg IV q3wk; Info: premed w/ corticosteroid, acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, and H2 blocker >60min before each infusion; see pkg insert for missed dose recommendations; vitamin A supplementation recommended

Renal dosing

[see below]
mild-mod impairment: no adjustment; severe impairment: not defined
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[see below]
mild impairment: no adjustment; mod-severe impairment: not defined



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