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Nimbex Dosage

Generic name: cisatracurium
Drug class: Neuromuscular blocking agents

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  INJ

Neuromuscular blockade induction

[150-200 mcg/kg/dose IV x1]
Info: onset 1.5-2min, duration 55-61min (intermediate-acting); max initial bolus 20 mcg/kg/dose if neuromuscular dz; consider extended interval between dose admin. and intubation by at least 1min in elderly pts

Neuromuscular blockade maintenance

[intermittent IV]
Dose: 30 mcg/kg/dose IV q20min prn; Start: 40-60min after 150 mcg/kg induction dose, 50-60min after 200 mcg/kg induction dose
[continuous IV]
Dose: 1-2 mcg/kg/min IV; Start: 3 mcg/kg/min IV after spontaneous recovery from induction dose; Info: rates may vary widely between 0.5-10 mcg/kg/min; decr. rate 30-40% if under isoflurane or enflurane anesthesia, 50% if undergoing CABG w/ induced hypothermia

Renal dosing

renal impairment: not defined; Info: consider extended interval between dose admin. and intubation by at least 1min if end-stage renal dz
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[not defined]
end-stage hepatic dz: onset 1min faster vs. healthy controls



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