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Doptelet Dosage

Generic name: avatrombopag
Drug class: Platelet-stimulating agents

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  TAB: 20 mg

Chronic hepatic disease associated thrombocytopenia, pre-procedure

[Plt <40,000]
Dose: 60 mg PO qd x5 days; Start: 10-13 days before procedure; Info: procedure should start w/in 5-8 days after last dose; give w/ food
[Plt 40,000-49,000]
Dose: 40 mg PO qd x5 days; Start: 10-13 days before procedure; Info: procedure should start w/in 5-8 days after last dose; give w/ food

Thrombocytopenia, chronic ITP-related

[20-40 mg po qd]
Start: 20 mg PO qd; Max: 40 mg qd; Info: not 1st-line agent; see pkg insert for dose adjustments based on Plt response; use lowest effective dose to achieve/maintain Plt >50,000; D/C if Plt <50,000 after 4wk at max dose or Plt >400,000 after 2wk at 20 mg qwk; give w/ food

Renal dosing

CrCl >30: no adjustment; CrCl <30: not defined
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[no adjustment]



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