
Chest pain doesn’t always signal a heart attack. However, that’s what healthcare doctors in the emergency room typically look for first, as it’s the most significant risk to your health. They can also test for lung diseases that could be life-threatening, for example, an unresponsive lung or blood clot within the lung.

Instant tests

A few of the tests a physician can order to assess chest pains include:

Tests to follow-up

Based on the results of the initial chest pain tests, You may require further tests, which could include:

More related information is available. Treatment

The treatment for chest pain is different based on the cause.


Some of the drugs that are employed to treat the most commonly cited reasons for chest pain are:

Surgery and other procedures

Treatment options for one of the more harmful sources of chest pain are:

You are preparing for your appointment.

If you’re experiencing severe chest pain, or if you’re experiencing new and unproven chest pain or pressure that lasts longer than a few minutes, contact 911 or emergency medical assistance.

Don’t delay for anxiety about embarrassment, even in the event of an actual heart attack. Even if there’s an alternative cause for the chest pain, it’s essential to be examined immediately.

What you can do

Please share the following information with the emergency medical providers, if it is possible:

When you’re in an institution, your medical exam will probably occur swiftly. Based on the results of an Electrocardiogram (ECG) as well as blood test, your healthcare doctor may be able to quickly identify if you’re experiencing a heart attack or offer a second explanation for the symptoms. You’ll likely have a variety of questions. If you’re not receiving the below information, you might be able to inquire:

Do not hesitate to ask any further questions during your medical examination.

What can you expect from the doctor?

A doctor who is examining your chest for pain could inquire: