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Cinacalcet Dosage

Generic name: cinacalcet
Brand name: Sensipar
Dosage form: oral tablet (30 mg; 60 mg; 90 mg)
Drug class: Calcimimetics

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  TAB: 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg

Hyperparathyroidism, secondary

[30-180 mg PO qd]
Start: 30 mg PO qd, may incr. dose q2-4wk by 30 mg/day up to 120 mg PO qd, then to 180 mg PO qd; Info: for pts w/ CKD on dialysis; see pkg insert for dose adjustments based on iPTH, Ca, PO4 levels; give w/ food; do not cut/crush/chew tab

Hypercalcemia, parathyroid CA-assoc.

[individualize dose PO bid-qid]
Start: 30 mg PO bid, may increase. dose q2-4wk by 30 mg/dose up to 90 mg PO bid, then to 90 mg PO tid-qid; Info: adjust dose based on Ca levels; give w/ food; do not cut/crush/chew tab

Severe hypercalcemia, primary hyperparathyroidism-assoc.

[individualize dose PO bid-qid]
Start: 30 mg PO bid, may increase. dose q2-4wk by 30 mg/dose up to 90 mg PO bid, then to 90 mg PO tid-qid; Info: for pts unable to undergo parathyroidectomy; adjust dose based on Ca levels; give w/ food; do not cut/crush/chew tab

Renal dosing

[no adjustment]
renal impairment: no adjustment
HD/PD: no adjustment; no supplement

hepatic dosing

[not defined]
Child-Pugh Class B or C: caution advised



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