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Cholbam Dosage

Generic name: cholic acid
Drug class: Digestive enzymes

Medically reviewed by  A Ras MD.


Recommended Adult Dosing

Dosage forms:  CAP: 50 mg, 250 mg

Bile acid synthesis disorder

10-15 mg/kg/day PO divided qd-bid

    • Info: consider 11-17 mg/kg/day PO divided qd-bid if concomitant familial hypertriglyceridemia; give w/ food

Peroxisomal disorder, adjunct therapy

    • [10-15 mg/kg/day PO divided qd-bid]
    • Info: for pts w/ liver disease manifestations, steatorrhea, or complications from decr. fat soluble vitamin absorption; consider 11-17 mg/kg/day PO divided qd-bid if concomitant familial hypertriglyceridemia; give with food

Renal dosing

[not defined]
renal impairment: not defined
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[not defined]

Recommended Pediatric Dosing

Dosage forms:  CAP: 50 mg, 250 mg

Bile acid synthesis disorder, single enzyme defect-assoc.

3 week old and older
Dose: 10-15 mg/kg/day PO divided qd-bid; Info: consider 11-17 mg/kg/day PO divided qd-bid if concomitant familial hypertriglyceridemia; give w/ food

Peroxisomal disorder, adjunct therapy

[3 week old and older]
Dose: 10-15 mg/kg/day PO divided qd-bid; Info: for pts w/ liver dz manifestations, steatorrhea, or complications from decr. fat soluble vitamin absorption; consider 11-17 mg/kg/day PO divided qd-bid if concomitant familial hypertriglyceridemia; give w/ food

Renal dosing

[not defined]
renal impairment: not defined
HD/PD: not defined

Hepatic dosing

[not defined]




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