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Generic name: anastrozole 
Name of the brand: Arimidex
Dosage formats: oral tablet 
Class of drugs: Aromatase inhibitors, hormones, and antineoplastics

What is anastrozole?


Anastrozole reduces estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. This may reduce the development of certain types of breast tumors, which require estrogen for growth within the body.

Anastrozole is a treatment for postmenopausal breast cancer. It is typically prescribed to patients who have had cancer that has grown after taking Tamoxifen (Nolvadex Soltamox).

Anastrozole can also be employed for other purposes that are not covered in this guideline.



This medication can reduce blood flow to the heart, particularly if you have ever suffered from coronary-artery disease (clogged blood vessels). Consult a doctor when you experience recent or worsening chest discomfort or you are feeling tired.


Before you start taking this medicine, make sure to consult your doctor

It is not recommended to use anastrozole in the event that you are allergic to it or if your body has not yet reached menopausal age.

Anastrozole is not a drug approved for use in either men or children.

It is not recommended to take anastrozole when you are also taking Tamoxifen.

Inform your doctor if you have ever suffered from:

  • heart-related problems, heart attack
  • coronary arterial disorder (clogged arterial disease);
  • high cholesterol or
  • osteoporosis, or lower bone mineral density.

The treatment for cancerous hormones could weaken your bones. It is possible to suffer a fractured bone when using anastrozole. Discuss with your doctor ways to maintain your bones’ health.

Although it is unlikely for a woman who is postmenopausal to have a baby, anastrozole may harm unborn babies. You may need to undergo a pregnancy test prior to starting this treatment. Utilize effective birth control if you’re not yet past menopausal. Use birth control for at least three weeks following your final dose of anastrozole. Inform your doctor when you fall pregnant.

Don’t breastfeed while taking anastrozole and at least two weeks following the last dose.

How to take anastrozole?

Follow the directions on the prescription label and review all medication guides or instructions sheets. Follow the medication precisely as directed.

Anastrozole is typically taken one time each day. Follow the instructions of your physician for dosage with care.

Anastrozole can be taken without or with food. 

You could be required to keep using this medicine for as long as 5 years. Follow the instructions of your physician.

Keep at room temperature, free of heat and moisture.

How do I deal with it if do not take a dose?

Do not take the medicine for as long as you can, however, avoid any missed doses if it’s close to the time of the next dose. Don’t have two doses at one time.

How do I react if consume too much?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact for help at the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What to avoid?

Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you are aware of how anastrozole affects your body. Your reaction could be affected.

Anastrozole side effects

Seek medical attention immediately If you notice symptoms warning signs of an allergic response (hives or breathing difficulties and swelling in your throat or face) or a severe skin reaction (fever or burning eyes, sore throat or skin irritation, the skin is red or purple with peeling and blisters).

Anastrozole could decrease blood flow to the heart, especially if have had any prior coronary artery diseases (clogged blood vessels). Get medical attention in the event of an increase or worsening chest pain or you’re feeling tired.

Consult your physician immediately If you are suffering from:

  • Shortness of breath (even when exerting only a little) swelling rapidly gaining weight;
  • Prickly or numbness discomfort, or weakness in your wrists and hands;
  • indications of bone fractures -bruising and swelling, tenderness, the discomfort that gets worse as you move.
  • liver problems–right-sided upper stomach pain, yellowing of your skin or eyes, and not feeling well; or
  • indications of a stroke: sudden weakness or numbness (especially on the opposite side) or a sudden and serious headache, blurred or distorted speech, or issues with balance or vision.

Common side effects could be:

  • Tingling, numbness, or a tickling sensation on your skin
  • Hot flashes;
  • weakness;
  • stiffness or joint pain;
  • bone pain, the risk of fracture
  • swelling in your legs, arms, or feet;
  • sore throat, cough breathlessness, sore throat;
  • Back pain, headaches,
  • depression, sleep problems (insomnia);
  • high blood pressure
  • nausea, vomiting; or
  • rash.

This isn’t a complete list of all side effects. other effects may also be present. Consult your physician for advice regarding medical the effects. You may report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Anastrozole dosing information

Usual Adult Dose for Breast Cancer:

Initial dosage 1 mg taken orally every day, once
Therapy duration: Until the tumor has advanced (treatment with advanced tumors of breast cancer) Unknown (adjuvant treatment for breast cancer that is early cancer)

Adjuvant treatment for postmenopausal females who have hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer
First-line treatment for women postmenopausal who have hormone receptors that are positive or with a hormone receptor that is not localized as well as metastatic breast cancer.
Second-line treatment for tumors of the breast in postmenopausal females with cancer progression after Tamoxifen treatment.

What other drugs can alter the effects of anastrozole?

Anastrozole may not perform in the same way if you use it in conjunction with an estrogen-based medicine (such as estrogen replacement therapies, hormone creams injectables, birth control pills patches for the skin, and vaginal rings vaginal suppositories).

Other medications can affect anastrozole, such as medications that are prescribed and available over the counter as well as vitamins and herbal products. Discuss with your doctor all the medicines you are currently taking as well as any medications you are about to start or stop taking.


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